Since its creation in 1977, the Center for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence, a non-profit organization, has been offering specialized support to anyone affected by domestic and/or intrafamily violence (primarily women) from all social, cultural, professional, religious, ethnic, and philosophical backgrounds.
This support enables them to regain self-esteem and take back control of their lives. It is provided through:
- Telephone counseling
- Welcoming services
- Administrative and social assistance
-Individual counseling sessions (for women, men, perpetrators, or victims)
- Group counseling sessions
- Workshops on Continuing Education
- Accommodation for women (with or without child(ren) of any age) at a confidential address.

The Center also reaches out to institutions, associations, and services that intervene with individuals affected by domestic and intrafamily violence. It is frequently consulted for its expertise in this field (support for victims, information dissemination, training for interveners, associations, services, institutions, etc.).

Since its inception, it has been and remains an active partner for public authorities in addressing domestic violence.


rue des colonies, 11
1000 Bruxelles

02 539 27 44
Types of violence 
Violence between (ex-)partners
Types of services 
Telephone counseling and guidance
Initial consultation and assessment
Social support
Psychological support
Support for parents with children
Group workshops
Working languages 
Specific situations 
Precarious administrative situation
Language barriers
Open from Monday to Friday during the day
Accessible premises
Entirely free service 