
As a professional, do you work with victims of violence?
The useful tools and resources listed below have been validated by experts in the associative sector in tackling gender-based violence.

(Note: some tools are not available in English, but they appear here in their original language.)

DPO leaflet

Leaflet on caring for victims of sexual and partner violence

Types of violence 
Violence between (ex-)partners
Sexual violence

(NL) Brochure CAW

How does reception at the CAW work?

Types of violence 
Violence between (ex-)partners
Sexual violence

Sexual violence and asylum

Information sheet for professionals

Types of violence 
Sexual violence

Violence between partners and asylum

Information sheet for professionals (in French)

Types of violence 
Violence between (ex-)partners

(French) Migrant·e et victime de violences conjugales, quels sont mes droits ?

A leaflet to give victims information on their rights and the steps they can take to protect themselves from violence, as well as contacts for professionals who can advise and help them with these steps.

Types of violence 
Violence between (ex-)partners

No situation justifies partner or family violence: emergency services

Poster and brochure

Types of violence 
Violence between (ex-)partners

ACCESS videos

Videos for affected people

Types of violence 
Violence between (ex-)partners
Sexual violence

(French) Violentomètre

Tool for preventing gender-based violence

Types of violence 
Violence between (ex-)partners
Sexual violence

(French) Migrant·e et victime de violences conjugales, qui peut m'aider ?

Leaflet based on the Ciré brochure

Types of violence 
Violence between (ex-)partners

Tool for detection of coercive control

Guidelines for clinical psychologists, the police, victim support services and front-line psychosocial workers and front-line psychosocial workers

Types of violence 
Violence between (ex-)partners